High Love

Black Hippie Healing Experience
Destin, Florida
April 8-11

Do you want to have a healing weekend retreat with a bunch of really fun, cool down to earth people?
We thought so.

Heal with us.
Heal on the beach.
Heal amongst friends.

It doesn't matter where you are or what you want, High Love: The Black Hippie Healing Experience will enable you the space to BE, ultimately providing you with the clarity needed to bridge the all too familiar gap between how you see yourself today and who you know you have been called to BE.
Join us for this holistically curated healing experience at the beach, as we help guide you along your journey using plant medicines, sound healing, We want you to bring all of your self to High Love: compartmentalized healing isn't a thing.
The only thing we don't want you to bring is Covid-19. Please be sure to check our safety protocols and ensure you'll be able to completely adhere prior to committing to The Black Hippie Healing Experience.

What all is included in the price?

All Healing Plant Medicines

This retreat includes several healing medicine ceremonies that you can take part of (if you choose). They include:  Kambo, Sananga, Hapé, Cacao + Others.

Vegan Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner

We have both a regular vegan and alkaline vegan chef on board. You will taste some of the most delicious foods that will make you wonder if its vegan! You are always welcomed to bring your own food as well in addition to what's offered.

All other Healing Activities

In addition to the plant medicine ceremonies you have the opportunity to take part in the other healing activities we are offering - including, but not limited to: Intention Setting Ceremony, Shadow Work Painting Exercise, Yoga on the Beach.


Thursday, April 8th
6:00 PM Arrival of Guests
8:00 PM Alkaline & Vegan Healing Cooking Lesson & Dinner
9:00 PM Game Night & Mixer Party & Beach Stroll
Friday, April 9th
8:00 AM Breakfast
9:00 AM Cacao, Rapé & Sananga Ceremony
1:00 PM Delicious Vegan Lunch
2:00 PM Medicine on the Beach
6:00 PM Delicious Vegan Dinner
Saturday, April 10th
9:00 AM Kambo, Rapé, Sananga Ceremony
10:00 AM Breakfast
12:00 PM Rolling Vegan Lunch
2:00 PM Sound Healing Experience - Day Party indoor and on the Beach
6:00 PM Shadow Work Painting Healing Experience
Sunday, April 11th
8:00 AM Yoga on the Beach
10:00 AM Farewell Breakfast
12:00 PM Rolling Departures

Meet The Medicines


Kambo is a traditional ritual that uses the poison of the giant monkey frog, to purify the body and treat various health conditions.
Kambo has a range of traditional and potential therapeutic applications, both medical and psycho-spiritual. Commonly described as an ‘ordeal medicine’, the secretion is known for its powerful emetic or purgative effects. Despite its initial unpleasantness, kambo is widely sought out to revitalize body and mind.


Sananga is a traditional medicine of the Yawanawá tribe, an indigenous group that is known as the legal guardians of the Amazon. They have been using Sananga and other Amazonian plant medicines for generations. They use Sananga for healing both spiritual and physical ailments, which include improving their focus and clearing out distracting energies before going on a hunt.

Hapé / Rapé

Rapé is a legal sacred shamanic medicine that has been used by healers of the Amazon basin for thousands of years. It is pronounced ‘ha-peh’ in English, but is also referred to as ‘hape’, ‘hapi’, or ‘rapay’ by Westerners. These are very rare, sacred, powerful, and profoundly healing and cleansing miracle medicines, and are made in a very sacred and labor intensive process. Rapé is a complex blend of pulverized Amazonian medicinal plants, trees, leaves, seeds, and other sacred ingredients.

The Crib...

Have Questions?
We Have an Answer!

What airport do I fly into?
Destin-Fort Walton Beach Airport (VPS)
How can I make sure to follow COVID guidelines?
We will ask that you take a rapid test within 2 days of leaving for the trip, and we will be taking temperatures at the door.
Do I have to do all of the medicines?
You are welcome to do as many or as little experiences as you'd like.
I'm not vegan, can I bring my own food?
Yep! You can order uber eats or head out for whatever food you'd like.
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